Arsinoé : Aerie's Tears
This is a kind of Stand-Alone, a new continent, independant of the rest of Rune-Midgard (except for the access quest at Alberta).
The aim is to increase the quest's interest in Ragnarök, by instancied quests, animated NPC, a true scenario, exploration of new horizons ... Created for a party of 4-5 players, you can't do it alone, it's more like a basic RPG. The Continent of Arsinoé is a single scenario with various quests. You have Four independant campaigns : The Goblin King, UnderWorld, Sidon and The Rana's Empire where you are leading an army in a succession of instances in differents battlefields.
Contains :
- 110+ Maps
- 120+ Monsters
- 75+ Items
- 60+ Quests
All services are earned with your quest's level, like :
- Savepoints (long trip before found a place for rest)
- Teleportation (You need to unlock the map before and by a quest of course)
- Healer (Donations to the Church for increase the % of rest)
- Train's Stations (For cross quickly a part of the continent)
- Shops (A big compagny hold all the commerce, if you help them, they'll give you more interesting supplies)
- In other regions, you can found Boatmen.
- An Arena system (Look to the screenshots), with different modes of game for won prices.
- Integrated Mini-Games in quest.
- Snow, Desert, Forest, Swamp Jungle, Volcano, Town, UnderWorld, different types of environnement
- 10 Titles, With your name in a Hall of Fame !
- A New Kind of WoE, a mix between GvG and PvE.
- Questlog system and also emoticons for help you in your adventure !
- An Introduction for your server who takes place in Arsinoé
- Fishing system
- A Marathon
- Many others games, accessible without quest requierement.
Aerie is doing a wonderful job!